
All Local – Golden Mental Health – services for adults

Golden Mental Health is located at the hospital and provides mental health programs for adults: short-term individual counselling; services for people with severe or persistent mental illness;  programs for elderly clients; Changeways group sessions for clients dealing with anxiety, stress, and depression.

The Representative for Children and Youth – a Voice for kids in BC

Every child and youth in British Columbia has the right to be healthy, safe, educated, and to be heard. The dedicated team of advocates who work in the Office of the Representative for Children and Youth (RCY) is committed to ensuring that the rights and interests of children and youth are protected and upheld, and that their views are heard and considered by decision-makers.

Federation of BC Youth in Care Networks

The Federation of BC Youth in Care Networks is dedicated to improving the lives of young people between the ages of 14 and 24 who are or have been in care.


PrideLine BC

Peer support, information and referrals for anyone in BC

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