BounceBack – reclaim your health
Feeling low, stressed or anxious?
Feeling low, stressed or anxious?
Confident Parents: Thriving Kids is a family-focused phone-based coaching service effective in reducing mild to moderate behavioural problems and promoting healthy child development in children ages 3-12.
Confidential, free, individual sessions
Golden Mental Health is located at the hospital and provides mental health programs for adults: short-term individual counselling; services for people with severe or persistent mental illness; programs for elderly clients; Changeways group sessions for clients dealing with anxiety, stress, and depression.
Struggling to make ends meet? Unable to work? Wondering if you qualify for government assistance? Need help with an appeal? Trouble accessing government programs? In a dispute? Need help accessing legal advice? Wondering about housing? The Advocate can help connect you to the information and resources you need. She offers individualized support and a welcoming …
The Family Navigator helps parents and caregivers navigate the mental health/substance use system.
Support in times of grief
Basic reading, writing and computer help; one-to-one help with forms; Job skills workshops and much more.