BC Healthy Kids – basic dental, prescription eye wear and hearing instruments
Basic dental care, prescription eye wear, hearing instruments for children of low-income families.
Basic dental care, prescription eye wear, hearing instruments for children of low-income families.
Free and confidential service assisting Northern BC and East Kootenay families travelling to access medical treatments for their children.
Local access to assessment and treatment planning
Eating disorders prevention and awareness
Health information – speak with a nurse anytime of the day or night
211 is a free, confidential telephone and texting service for kids and youth and their families. We can connect you with services in your area. 24/7.
Occupational and Physical Therapy for emotional, sensory and physical limitations.
The Interior Health Children’s Assessment Network (IHCAN) provides assessment and diagnosis for children and youth living in the Interior Health region who demonstrate significant impairment in a number of domains of functioning. Referrals through a pediatrician or through a psychiatrist or other medical specialist.