Abuse and neglect of children – who do I call
Reporting Child Abuse and Neglect – Child Protection Services 24/7.
Reporting Child Abuse and Neglect – Child Protection Services 24/7.
211 is a free, confidential telephone and texting service for kids and youth and their families. We can connect you with services in your area. 24/7.
Emergency shelter for women and children fleeing violence. 24/7.
24/7 Services include inpatient, obstetrics, and emergency
If you suspect someone has been poisoned by a medicine, chemical or other substance. 24/7.
For children and youth. Culturally safe support services for First Nations and Indigenous people. 24/7.
24/7 after hours and emergency service for children & youth and for those who are concerned about them.
Immediate crisis support for victims of family violence or sexual violence. Information and referral services for all victims of crime. 24/7. Phone and text.